2014-10-28: Testing in Haskell (Uni Regensburg)
2014-10-02: Datype-generic programming in Haskell (Uni Regensburg)
2014-06-26: Lenses (Binary Kitchen)
2014-05-27: Tagless final encodings and GADTs (Binary Kitchen)
2014-05-06: Haskell, compiler construction and LLVM (Part 2) (Binary Kitchen) (
Git Repository)
2014-04-01: Haskell, compiler construction and LLVM (Part 1) (Plan 9)
2014-03-04: Haskell and Performance (Binary Kitchen)
2014-02-11: No topic, various discussions (Binary Kitchen)
2014-01-14: The Agda programming language (Andres) (Binary Kitchen)
2013-12-17: A neuronal network for recognizing handwritings (Ilja, Felix) (Plan 9)
2013-11-12: Solving the n-queens problem in Haskell (Martin) (Plan 9)
2013-10-15: No topic, various discussions (Plan 9)
2013-09-17: Kickoff meeting (Kneitinger)