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Haskell Stammtisch

upcoming meetings:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014, Binary Kitchen Regensburg, 8:00 pm ct. Topic: We can discuss performance problems given small code examples. If you have suitable examples you'd like to bring and see discussed, please let us know in advance. As a backup, I can explain how lazy evaluation works and when explicit strictness annotations make sense.

coming soon:

LLVM (the low-level virtual machine; is quite interesting for compiler writers, as it makes producing a high-quality backend for your language much easier. LLVM is also quite well supported in Haskell (I don't mean the GHC LLVM backend, but the various LLVM libraries on Hackage). In this meetup (which could be split into two or three parts), I'd propose to have a look at this excellent tutorial: It describes how to implement a simple programming language called Kaleidoscope in Haskell.

past events:

* XX/XX/XX: A neuronal network for recognizing handwritings

  • veranstaltungen/haskellstammtisch.1392833540.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2014/02/19 18:12
  • von ralf